Let’s Talk About Robots

Robots should definitely be integrated in our schools starting in Kindergarten and even Pre-K. It’s time that we start talking more about robots.

Robots and humans are already working together as co-workers in so many different industries. 

Why robots?

Robots increase engagement.

Robots are relevant.

Robots help students understand challenging concepts. 

Robots are a huge massive industry in so many different sectors of our life that can be a job and career for our students. 

Robots just make learning more fun.

I know what some of you are thinking?

Robots are not in my budget. 

When budgets come up I totally understand where educators are coming from. I’ve been a Principal and have had to make tough decisions on where to spend money. 

If you take money from here, then it can’t go there.

You’re talking about robots, we’re trying to find the funds to purchase books!
I get it I get it I get it I get it.

But you can enter the robot experience with your students for $52

There are really expensive robots on the market that schools purchase and they’re really awesome.

And I’m not saying expensive robots are bad or better, or that a $52 robot is better. 

It’s just really hard to argue with that price point if money is a hurdle for you.

The robot I’m talking about is the Mini, from Sphero.

Sphero and I go way back. 

Well I guess it’s more fair to say that I go way back with Sphero

I feel like it was 10 years ago that I purchased our first Sphero when I was an Elementary Principal and I’ve been hooked ever since. I even wrote about Sphero in my first book ‘Kids Deserve It’ and how it really helped to transform learning experiences and engagement at our school.

And I’ve seen time and again across the country in all the work I do with educators, robots in schools is a winning formula. 

I see robots every week in all the airports I visit. Sitting at my gate, a robot rolls down the terminal delivering food from one of the restaurants to a customer waiting for their flight at a different gate.

Amazon, Walmart, hospitals, hotels, airports, factories, warehouses, and so many other industries all over the world.

For $52 you can get started at your school or at home with a Sphero Mini.

If you’re a teacher and your Principal doesn’t have $52, write a grant on Donors Choose for one and share that grant on social media. Share the grant with me because I’ll share it on my social media and will help to get you funded.

It will build from there.

The engagement.

The questions.

The creation.

The conversation.

The kids taking charge of their learning.

The educators taking a step back and letting the kids take the lead.

I was talking with a Principal friend the other day and robots came up in our conversation. Of course I was telling her to buy some for the school and get them into classrooms and she said…..

“I don’t have money in the budget for robots.”

I told her…..

“You can get started for $52 with a Sphero Mini.”

Her response….

“Ohhhhh, we can afford $52!”

Let’s get kids coding, creating, solving, and ready for the world that they’re growing up in with opportunities and careers that didn’t exist a few years ago!

During math lessons - robot!

Social studies - robot!

Art - robot!

Language Arts - robot!

The $52 Sphero Mini is a great place to start. 

Happy coding and creating!


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